Why is it that the people you care for the most, hurt you the most in the end?
I'm so heated right now...like I'm tired of the lies & deceit & just EVERYTHING!
I really felt as though you cared, but as time presses on, I see that I was just another thing to occupy a few good moments in your time.
So badly I wanted to savor whatever friendship that was left through all our recent drama...but as of now, not even the smallest inkling of blood rushing through my veins wants to press forward in entertaining your presence.
I really don't know why I'm even going through this right now, but I'm done. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Friends don't leave friends behind...but then that just goes to show...we weren't ever really friends were we?
I don't like you BOY!! OMGWSH!! Maybe you never had a close friend that really cared about you...but maybe you can't handle it.
A young wise man told me you were a lunchbox...maybe he was right. Useless just like a lunchbox sitting on top the refrigerator, dirty, empty, & a little smelly.