i didn't want to voice my opinion on this topic until i made sure i had all my thoughts together...but that's not gonna happen anytime soon, so here it goes:
Me & Branden were super cool last year. At one point i would've considered him my best friend....this year we weren't as close...but we still talked whenever we could and played around and stuff...
last week he shoved me into the lockers and ran...just a few days ago i saw him and Morgan walking...& i decided not to yell his name....
Many people are saying out of turn things like "dumb ass" and "Why the f*@$ he got a gun anyways" and it's just FLAT OUT IRRITATING.
And Then EVEN MORE people are faking like they knew him. I guess his swagger was just THAT phenomenal that ppl have 2 fake like they talked to him...
As far as dealing with this...everyone has their different methods. Many will cry while others will not. Who are you to judge how much a person should cry? Or if they should even be crying?? Everyone is different....
And all these numerous groups misspelling his name are so dumb...you should know how to spell your friends name and if you didn't NOW you Know...smh, CHANGE IT!
When things like this occur we should be banning together trying to find out what we can do differently so something like this doesn't happen again.
His cries weren't taken seriously, so now we have to live with the guilt.
We have lost a friend, cousin, loved one, a HUMAN BEING....
Skittles, i love you and can't wait to see you in Paradise Someday..