wow. ohm...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Name 7 people who's death would leave you absolutely devastated.
Monday, June 21, 2010
didnt u just break up with that boy and now u with someone else?
Well, that would be correct (i guess)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
do u care about eny1 cept yourself????
Of course. I pretty much <3 and care about majority of the people I come in2 contact with on a daily basis.
Ask me WiLLD things (= **deep nasty thingys please...**
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
y u so mean?
lol im not mean...just misunderstood :p
jus kidding...but ohmm i have a very low tolerance 4 crap....
Ask me WiLLD things (= **deep nasty thingys please...**
Monday, June 7, 2010
Paramoreee rockss My Socksss!!! whooooooooo
lol ikr.!! i <3 Them.!
They're Schweet.!!!!
Ask me WiLLD things (= **deep nasty thingys please...**
Friday, June 4, 2010
I speak English, Dutch, Italian :) haha.
havent been on her in awhile...they def made this thing look nice...
Ask me WiLLD things (= **deep nasty thingys please...**
Monday, May 3, 2010

i didn't want to voice my opinion on this topic until i made sure i had all my thoughts together...but that's not gonna happen anytime soon, so here it goes:
Me & Branden were super cool last year. At one point i would've considered him my best friend....this year we weren't as close...but we still talked whenever we could and played around and stuff...
last week he shoved me into the lockers and ran...just a few days ago i saw him and Morgan walking...& i decided not to yell his name....
Many people are saying out of turn things like "dumb ass" and "Why the f*@$ he got a gun anyways" and it's just FLAT OUT IRRITATING.
And Then EVEN MORE people are faking like they knew him. I guess his swagger was just THAT phenomenal that ppl have 2 fake like they talked to him...
As far as dealing with this...everyone has their different methods. Many will cry while others will not. Who are you to judge how much a person should cry? Or if they should even be crying?? Everyone is different....
And all these numerous groups misspelling his name are so should know how to spell your friends name and if you didn't NOW you Know...smh, CHANGE IT!
When things like this occur we should be banning together trying to find out what we can do differently so something like this doesn't happen again.
His cries weren't taken seriously, so now we have to live with the guilt.
We have lost a friend, cousin, loved one, a HUMAN BEING....
Skittles, i love you and can't wait to see you in Paradise Someday..
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Right now i seriously can't stop crying...i don't have the time nor the patience 2 edit how i truely feel...but i will attempt.
i have many ppl im cool with but only a few select i consider best i've known since like grade 5 & im pretty tight with her now...2 i met this year, & 1 last year...
my closest male friend....we're not close anymore...& it was quite depressing until i got bck tight with my bestie from engineering...but now she's moving....&& i'm not THAT tight with 2 others...&& like my right hand man is moving out the how am i supposed 2 deal with that??? she was the only 1 w/o the drama and isues and she had omgwsh!!! im so irritated...
i cnt even get my thoughts 2gethr...for get this dumb blog...
i have many ppl im cool with but only a few select i consider best i've known since like grade 5 & im pretty tight with her now...2 i met this year, & 1 last year...
my closest male friend....we're not close anymore...& it was quite depressing until i got bck tight with my bestie from engineering...but now she's moving....&& i'm not THAT tight with 2 others...&& like my right hand man is moving out the how am i supposed 2 deal with that??? she was the only 1 w/o the drama and isues and she had omgwsh!!! im so irritated...
i cnt even get my thoughts 2gethr...for get this dumb blog...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
MaSkEd iMpErFeCtIoN
wow...what happened 2day just goes 2 show that masked imperfection is always deceitful...
the situation isn't complex at all...or even that serious...but who wants 2 be called by someone else's name by the 1 you love?? THAT way...
like it makes me feel as though my feelings r just invalid & they're being made a mockery in his i just KNEW what we had was too good to be true...
But then again there's that other side of me...that more coherent part that's smarter & more well as optimistic. that side of me is letting me know that nobodies perfect & it was just a's also telling me to forgive and forget because i make meaningless mistakes everyday of my life...
so as my best friend & twin crystal put it lightly "tonight's just gonna be one of those days where you just cry yourself to sleep" , & when i do, I'll wake up tomorrow morning rejuvenated & ready to love. (=
the situation isn't complex at all...or even that serious...but who wants 2 be called by someone else's name by the 1 you love?? THAT way...
like it makes me feel as though my feelings r just invalid & they're being made a mockery in his i just KNEW what we had was too good to be true...
But then again there's that other side of me...that more coherent part that's smarter & more well as optimistic. that side of me is letting me know that nobodies perfect & it was just a's also telling me to forgive and forget because i make meaningless mistakes everyday of my life...
so as my best friend & twin crystal put it lightly "tonight's just gonna be one of those days where you just cry yourself to sleep" , & when i do, I'll wake up tomorrow morning rejuvenated & ready to love. (=
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why is it that the people you care for the most, hurt you the most in the end?
I'm so heated right I'm tired of the lies & deceit & just EVERYTHING!
I really felt as though you cared, but as time presses on, I see that I was just another thing to occupy a few good moments in your time.
So badly I wanted to savor whatever friendship that was left through all our recent drama...but as of now, not even the smallest inkling of blood rushing through my veins wants to press forward in entertaining your presence.
I really don't know why I'm even going through this right now, but I'm done. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Friends don't leave friends behind...but then that just goes to show...we weren't ever really friends were we?
I don't like you BOY!! OMGWSH!! Maybe you never had a close friend that really cared about you...but maybe you can't handle it.
A young wise man told me you were a lunchbox...maybe he was right. Useless just like a lunchbox sitting on top the refrigerator, dirty, empty, & a little smelly.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Message to Av...
heartbreak is one of those pains that doesn't diappear overnight and it can't be washed away with your other sorrows with a hot stays deeply embedded within your soul...and even when you're happy's still maifesting within.
So, Av, my heart is with you on this one.
i'm taking a break from all this cause i know in the end these relationships ARE worth pursuing, but in my current state of mind...i may eff all of it up, ya know?
and that's the LAST thing that needs 2 happen...(:
So, Av, my heart is with you on this one.
i'm taking a break from all this cause i know in the end these relationships ARE worth pursuing, but in my current state of mind...i may eff all of it up, ya know?
and that's the LAST thing that needs 2 happen...(:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spring Break

Yes!!! Spring Break is finally here...
This year I'm not going 2 the beach...but I still plan on having fun.
unlike 79.9746% of my friends...I'm going 2 enjoy myself in w/e i do. The drama stops now. It's vacation time & i shouldn't have 2 take a vaca from my vaca.
It's time to relax and have fun for a change...cause school hinders progress in that area as we all know.
If there's people you have drama with or w/e then leave it alone...cause i assure you, things will be the same when school is back in session.
Take time out to chill with people who you have fun with and you won't regret being in their presence.
As far as schoolmax goes...i already called the school numerous times and guess what?!?!---NOBDY'S THERE!!!, so everyone with effd up grades can relax cause there's nothing that can be done at this point...Just know: As soon as I step foot into CHFLowers HS in 2 wees...MY GRADES WILL BE FIXED!
As for now, i couldn't care less, cause it's time for me to enjoy myself for one...with people who i care about.
A break is to to free oneself or escape suddenly, as from restraint or dependency..So take a night off for yourself (: You deserve it! :p
Thursday, March 25, 2010

I was told that all love is true love...there's just different levels or love and different stages.
According to
Love is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend...
Why does love have to equate to attachment? Why does it have to be so powerful?...Why do these 4 Letters L-O-V-E put together have to be responsible for such tragedies...
and if all love is true, then that means when it's spoken you have to be being honest...or else you're lying...but THUS proving the first statement false...OI!!! MERE CONFUSION....
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. ~Albert Einstein"
Note to a BestFriend...

CURIOSITY and APPREHENSION started us out...
stories you told & fantasies you had
MY curiosity...obsession with the unreal
then troubles lurked all around & home issues--the never ending doom
the advice--I'd like 2 say it was a two way street
phone calls late at night, my feeble cries in the dark...your soothing notions were always the solution to my troubles
back then i knew someone cared...YOU Cared, or so i thought.
after a mere recollection of things at the beginning not being close to the present, things changed.
the advice stopped and the opinions started.
instead of wiping the tears away, you put them on my throughout it all i was always me. the negative things in my character...they were always there.
Now you, you're the one who changed. you may not see it, but your change has come.
maybe i missed the part where u forgot about r friendship and decided to leave me out to dry...
you told me to take sometime and look into my eyes and tell you what i see..i see me as I've always been...just newly uncovered and once again...ALONE.
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