Saturday, April 10, 2010


Right now i seriously can't stop crying...i don't have the time nor the patience 2 edit how i truely feel...but i will attempt.
i have many ppl im cool with but only a few select i consider best i've known since like grade 5 & im pretty tight with her now...2 i met this year, & 1 last year...
my closest male friend....we're not close anymore...& it was quite depressing until i got bck tight with my bestie from engineering...but now she's moving....&& i'm not THAT tight with 2 others...&& like my right hand man is moving out the how am i supposed 2 deal with that??? she was the only 1 w/o the drama and isues and she had omgwsh!!! im so irritated...
i cnt even get my thoughts 2gethr...for get this dumb blog...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

MaSkEd iMpErFeCtIoN

wow...what happened 2day just goes 2 show that masked imperfection is always deceitful...

the situation isn't complex at all...or even that serious...but who wants 2 be called by someone else's name by the 1 you love?? THAT way...
like it makes me feel as though my feelings r just invalid & they're being made a mockery in his i just KNEW what we had was too good to be true...

But then again there's that other side of me...that more coherent part that's smarter & more well as optimistic. that side of me is letting me know that nobodies perfect & it was just a's also telling me to forgive and forget because i make meaningless mistakes everyday of my life...

so as my best friend & twin crystal put it lightly "tonight's just gonna be one of those days where you just cry yourself to sleep" , & when i do, I'll wake up tomorrow morning rejuvenated & ready to love. (=