Saturday, April 10, 2010


Right now i seriously can't stop crying...i don't have the time nor the patience 2 edit how i truely feel...but i will attempt.
i have many ppl im cool with but only a few select i consider best i've known since like grade 5 & im pretty tight with her now...2 i met this year, & 1 last year...
my closest male friend....we're not close anymore...& it was quite depressing until i got bck tight with my bestie from engineering...but now she's moving....&& i'm not THAT tight with 2 others...&& like my right hand man is moving out the how am i supposed 2 deal with that??? she was the only 1 w/o the drama and isues and she had omgwsh!!! im so irritated...
i cnt even get my thoughts 2gethr...for get this dumb blog...

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling.
    There's literally about 4 people in this entire world whom I still have in my life, and don't hate.
    So I've just decided to give up on humanity. Sounds depressing, but it actually helps. Instead of waking up every morning thinking 'fuck my life', you can instead be like 'fuck this mother fucking fucked up world and its mother fucking fucked up people, they can go fuck their mother fucking ugly-ass selves, for all I mother fucking care.'
    Quite the optimistic attitude if you think about it. Because as long as you have faith in yourself, you still have a reason to live. No one else matters until you find someone who's actually worth all this stress. So stay strong<3
